Poll: Do You Use These Two Forgotten PS5 Features?

Today’s PlayStation 5 firmware update added a number of new features to Sony’s current-generation console, allowing you to transfer PS5 games to an external hard drive and share your game between PS4 and PS5 systems. There are even some hidden features you may not have known about. However, while that’s all well and good, have you used any of the ones that were already there at launch? We’ve all heard about Game Help and the like, but there are a few features that Sony has made a pretty big deal about that we haven’t heard anyone talk about since release.

We’re talking about the PS5 Accolades system and those nifty dust collectors that every console ships with. Indeed, when was the last time you thought of any of them? The first is designed to promote a more inclusive PSN community where users can reward people they play with with medals. Awarded only to players you’re not friends with, badges come in three forms: useful, welcome, and good sport. And since our PS5 consoles arrived last November, we haven’t received a single one. We even play online quite regularly and consider ourselves good teammates! We’ve checked our friends list and we can’t find any users either.

Then there are the dust collectors, which we don’t think we’ve mentioned once since their introduction. Obviously, the PS5 isn’t very old right now, but surely enough time has passed for these things to collect at least a little dust, right? Have you checked? We wish we knew because we sure didn’t. So do what you can. Vote in our polls below and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.