What exactly does the ‘battery -led board do (description from the Dell manual)? The cable with a ribbon on it broke when I removed the bottom of the case (or “basic lid”, as the service manual named it) to replace the battery, so I continued forward and uninstall it (it was an operation with 1 screw). The implication is that it has something to do with the battery and the LED / LED / light of the monitor power of the front, but computer boots are quite fine and normally function of monitor lamps (white or amber, depending on the battery state), so I cannot see the connection with this particular part. But I noticed that the bottom of the case had what seems like a tiny button in the corner, exactly where the battery -run board (on the opposite side / inner case) is completely unproven. It seems that it is actually a kind of “reset buttons” but since the cable of the ribbon has broken, I am not able to test it and confirm or deny it. But before I forbade $ 26 to replace, I would love to know what he is really doing. If it’s really just a reset button (or ‘Kill Switch’), then it’s hard to make money, although I just invested $ 50 for a new battery. Does anyone know what he actually does or where his use can be documented? I took over every manual that is available for this so -called ‘UltraBook’ on the Dell website and none of that mentions this mysterious (and almost invisible) small button on the bottom of the computer. Oh, and in the case of anyone wondering, I use Windows 11 Professional (thanks to the Rufus Flash Drive service program) and works like a top; Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Everyone works quite fine. Tia for any insight you might have …
1 spice up
She is responsible for managing battery status indicators, such as LED light showing whether the battery is stuffed, fully filled or low.
The button can be a reset button.