How Laptop Internet Use Impacts Classroom Learning

Internet is available almost everywhere, from home, college, school and office. Most students use portable internet in classrooms. Well, using the Internet in the classroom has great benefits. But new research suggests that surfing the web on a laptop in class tends to result in…

Laptops Killed Work-Life Balance – The Atlantic

The New York subway is a terrible place to be productive. During the morning commute, congestion forces many people to stand, one hand holding onto a pole for balance, so that getting any real work done is often impossible. Drivers can use their phones to…

Grab this OLED Acer Swift laptop for just $500

OLED laptop screens are like washing machines: once you live with one, you never want to be without it. But these are usually reserved for high-end designs or expensive display upgrades, putting them out of the budget category. Today’s offering from Acer seriously lowers the…

What laptop specs should I look for if I use a monitor?

The support readers share in the comments section is one of the things we love most about the Engadget community. Over the years we’ve known you to offer sage advice on just about anything from Chromecasts and cameras to drones and smartphones. In fact, our…

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